Identifying Ireland's common farmland hoverflies
In this course, you'll learn about the key identification features of hoverflies and how to identify species commonly found in Ireland which includes those frequently recorded on Farmland as part of the Protecting Farmland Pollinators EIP project.
Marine Biodiversity Citizen Science Open Course
This course is designed to enable beginners and those wishing to refresh their recording skills to identify and record common marine intertidal species found around the Irish coastline.
How to identify and record Ireland's butterflies
This is a detailed eCourse for identification of all of Ireland's butterflies, showing features of upper and lower wing and any physical differences between males and females.
How to Identify, Record and Monitor Common Irish Bumblebees
Bumblebee Monitoring volunteer, Liz Gabbett, collaborated with the National Biodiversity Data Centre ecologists to create an online resource for citizen scientists who want to learn or revise how to recognize Ireland's six most common bumblebees.
Garden Butterfly Monitoring Scheme
The Garden Butterfly Monitoring Scheme provides recorders with an opportunity to record butterflies in their gardens.